La Boucherie Des Cajuns

La Boucherie Des Cajuns


The butchering of hogs took place annually on the Cajun Farm. Because there were no ice boxes or refrigerators, it was always a winter chore. In the cold outdoor. the freshly killed meat would cool fast and made it easier to cut. It was usually a one day project (a long day!). My dad would butcher at least three or four hogs each year. Neighbors and famjlies would gather to help. The only hog parts not used were the ears. snot, tail and feet. We made boudin, crackJins (gratons), hog head cheese, sausage, fricassee d'reintier (back-bone stew) and chaudin or pance boumie (stuffed stomach or trippe). Many a great Cajun dishes came out of boucheries.

14 x 18

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